![]() 07/24/2020 at 09:58 • Filed to: None | ![]() | ![]() |
![]() 07/24/2020 at 10:07 |
I’m just angry that this is somehow a political debate. How on earth do you argue against science when the rest of the world isn’t ?? I get it with things that are unclear to some people like global warming because it’s not a simple concept. But with the virus it’s as bad as flat earthers.
I'd hate to have children right now. It's gotta be so stressful just being in limbo. While sure no matter what my kids wouldn't go to school under these conditions but then that is a logistical nightmare to figure out how they still get an education somehow.
![]() 07/24/2020 at 10:13 |
Remember, when they say “We need to get back to work/school” It means “YOU need to get back to work/school” so the “ job creators” rich sociopaths don’t l ose more money, and they can afford to pick and choose when and how they can go out in public and get exposed.
![]() 07/24/2020 at 10:14 |
This might be the last year my wife's a teacher.
![]() 07/24/2020 at 10:20 |
That is ominous in many ways........
![]() 07/24/2020 at 10:20 |
Maybe we can trust 5-18 year old kids to wear masks and keep socially distant better than the subsection of the Republican party that is willing to gather together in a giant convention hall?
In my city, the schools are planning on splitting each class in half, and then doing rotating 2-3 day weeks to get all the kids in the classroom. At least they’re trying to strike a balance between getting kids an education and working to stop the spread .
It’ll still be difficult, both my wife and I work and my MIL isn’t eager to start doing the day care thing again, so we’ll just have to ride it out and see how it goes.
![]() 07/24/2020 at 10:23 |
Even here in Alberta, it’s a mess. The provincial government still cut funding, and are expecting somehow for kids to not get sick, when they aren’t enforcing any sort of social distancing (yeah, good luck with that in a packed school with class sizes that are growing). They aren’t even chipping in anything for hand sanitizer, so now the schools are on the hook for trying to keep kids safe and coughing up the extra funds for any COVID-19 related supplies.
My little girl is supposed to start kindergarten at the end of August. :(
![]() 07/24/2020 at 10:23 |
You have no idea.
![]() 07/24/2020 at 10:24 |
I’m just angry that this is somehow a political debate. How on earth do you argue against science when the rest of the world isn’t??
How did we become a culture of not trusting the experts and telling people to “Do your own research!”? I know this isn’t a new thing, but it really seems to have exploded in the past 5-10 years.
![]() 07/24/2020 at 10:25 |
There are a lot of retirements and resignations. I suspect a teacher shortage is looming.
![]() 07/24/2020 at 10:29 |
If we can open Home Depot, we can open the schools.
And if they do get COVID-19, which they will — and they will when they go to school — they’re not going to the hospitals. ... They are going to go home and they’re going to get over it.
![]() 07/24/2020 at 10:31 |
Yep, same here. My son is starting his senior year, and they are doing split schedules as well. The school district ordered 16,000 Chrome Books for students who are need of computers. I don’t know what they will do for WiFi connections though. Libraries are still not fully open, nor will they be for the foreseeable future.
![]() 07/24/2020 at 10:36 |
There kinda was already, but yeah for sure. She’s 50 with 25 years it would hurt financially to leave right now.
Frankly I'm for her quiting.
![]() 07/24/2020 at 10:38 |
Because the experts on TV aren’t faithfully representing the facts to the point where them telling the truth discredits the truth.
![]() 07/24/2020 at 10:39 |
I’m an 8th grade math teacher. My employer is going all-Zoom for starters, with a set of circumstances to dictate a switch to “hybrid” learning. But there is no date certain for the switch. My personal prediction is wildest dream is Thanksgiving, earliest practical is second semester, in January, and a good chance is we’re out the entire year. And when we go hybrid, I’ll be aiming to continue remote and spend the year in my distance learning studio in my shed.
![]() 07/24/2020 at 10:41 |
My mom retired early because she couldn’t take the stress. It definitely hurts financially.
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Having a POTUS who is intellectually uncurious doesn’t help.
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Where will Barron Trump be going to school this Fall?
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I teach 8th grade math. I’m aiming to remain a long-term distance teacher, setting up a studio in my shed, aiming to differentiate myself from the pack of teachers sitting hunched over a laptop in the Dining Room.
![]() 07/24/2020 at 10:43 |
What does Mrs. 302 teach?
![]() 07/24/2020 at 10:44 |
It’s quite simple - The virus is a bigger risk the older you are.
Schools are by nature filled with young people. Just as the RNC conventions are filled with old people.
![]() 07/24/2020 at 10:45 |
It's a stressful job in normal times.
![]() 07/24/2020 at 10:49 |
I have had that discussion with my wife as well. She is pretty sure that she has locked down the full time distant teacher duties on her team though so hopefully it works out. Best of luck to y’all.
![]() 07/24/2020 at 10:50 |
E nglish, history 9th grade. Used to be special ed but that was too stressful.
I like the shed idea. I’m all for her teaching remotely. I think I see a demand for tutoring coming soon too.
![]() 07/24/2020 at 10:52 |
G ood for her. I got my fingers crossed that happens to my wife.
![]() 07/24/2020 at 10:55 |
All of that. And Chromebooks are lousy at doing Zoom and such. The Chrome OS is severely limited and if you want to run another app while Zooming, then they grind to a halt.
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I grew up in a family replete with educators. I knew from an early age that while I enjoyed teaching I’d never want to be a teacher.
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Pssh! School is for peasants. He will get nothing but the best fundamentalist right wing Christian Betsy Devos approved private tutoring , using taxpayer money
![]() 07/24/2020 at 10:58 |
What do you base that initial statement upon? Many educators are older as well, and we know relatively little yet about how the virus spreads.
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“ I’d hate to have children”
I find myself saying this often.
![]() 07/24/2020 at 10:59 |
Smart man.
Its not the job it used to be.
![]() 07/24/2020 at 11:01 |
I’m already drinking at the tutoring tap. If you want to connect offline, I’d be eager to share with you and Mrs. 302 what I am doing to prepare . Shoot me an email if you like, oliphant.chuckerbutty@gmail.com
Mrs. Vandura is a classified Spec Ed classroom aide and we are entirely unsure what will happen vis-a-vis her employment for the fall.
![]() 07/24/2020 at 11:01 |
There’s more than that... People have started distrusting authorities a while ago. It seems more recent that large groups of people are taking the complete opposite of what the experts say as evidence of the “truth”.
![]() 07/24/2020 at 11:02 |
That’s a nice way of saying he tends to completely ignore information that he doesn’t agree with (or doesn’t benefit him), and actively spreads false information as “the truth”.
![]() 07/24/2020 at 11:03 |
What does she teach?
I am setting up a distance teaching studio in my shed and somewhat expect to remain in the shed the entirety of this school year. If you’d like to chat offline, I’m eager: oliphant.chuckerbutty@gmail.com
![]() 07/24/2020 at 11:04 |
![]() 07/24/2020 at 11:04 |
Wait, I thought proper social distancing and mask wearing was effective at reducing spread by 80%. Why cancel anything? Just enforce mask wearing. We are believing scientists, right? Or just certain scientists?
See, this is why nobody gives a shit.
![]() 07/24/2020 at 11:07 |
The problem is that there is some sort of postmodernist “all authority should be distrusted and therefore all ideas are equal and all ideas are true regardless of source “ sort of mentality going on except the people who think this don't realize they are literally killing people. I wouldn't trust a word that comes out of the mouth of this pack of idiots that the mainstream patties have put forth but saying everything with even a tenuous connection to the establishment is blatantly lying on purpose and treating any unfamiliar or uncomfortable ideas with scorn is self destructive.
![]() 07/24/2020 at 11:07 |
Yeah, sure, all of that. But there are plenty of perfectly sensible, plenty-smart people polishing his turds. That’s the part that mystifies me and I am interested to see how many of them continue to do so in November. Joe Biden is a way less objectionable alternative than Mrs. Clinton was, and the DNC were foolish to trot her out instead of Joe Biden in 2016.
![]() 07/24/2020 at 11:08 |
Thanks rusty, I’m going to forward this to my wife. It’d be nice to network with someone about all this.
![]() 07/24/2020 at 11:08 |
Most children also live with people who are much older than them. Virus spreading rampantly through kids in school is only two jumps away from the people older than 60 who work with people who have kids.
![]() 07/24/2020 at 11:11 |
I am observing people being selective about which “scientists” they’ll believe. But how would you enforce mask wearing? Have cops write tickets?
I’d argue that lots of people give a s**t. Why doesn’t POTUS hold his convention and hand out MAGA masks?
![]() 07/24/2020 at 11:13 |
Do I detect sarcasm? I’ll assume yes. In that case, carry on.
Otherwise, there would be some more explaining to do.
![]() 07/24/2020 at 11:14 |
![]() 07/24/2020 at 11:15 |
We know 40,000 die every year for every point increase in the unemployment rate. They die from suicide, domestic violence and abuse...
you do the rest of the math.
![]() 07/24/2020 at 11:22 |
Should I factor in that the year is just half over and the infection rate is reportedly climbing? Extrapolate some, perhaps?
you do the rest of the math is a vague challenge. If you will state a problem or model, we might come to an agreement more precisely of what math problem we are trying to solve.
![]() 07/24/2020 at 11:26 |
The CDC says that the median age for those that have died of the virus is 78. Nearly 80% of deaths were in the >65 age group, and same for having another condition. Source: https://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/volumes/69/wr/mm6928e1.htm
![]() 07/24/2020 at 11:45 |
In Arizona we’ve already had a teacher shortage. Online education is an absolute joke. You’re better off postponing the year until we can come back.
![]() 07/24/2020 at 11:52 |
Your post doesn’t make any sense. How do you distance in a packed convention?
https://thumbnails.texastribune.org/9RH1RdtA07C-PPwcvtKlTRub_uY=/850x570/smart/filters:quality(75) /
![]() 07/24/2020 at 12:25 |
I hope everybody who is so flippant about this will stay the fuck out of the hospital when they do get the virus.
![]() 07/24/2020 at 12:25 |
It’s already here because we don’t pay them, and life under ‘Rona is burning them out like crazy.
![]() 07/24/2020 at 12:25 |
W e’ve already flattened the curve, so of course it’s safe to open up again like the rest of the civilized world.
![]() 07/24/2020 at 12:44 |
Oh man, I saw pending and the comment and was gonna be like fucking psychos in the greys coming out! Then I see the image and all is right with the world. That was going to be my exact response was that image lol.
![]() 07/24/2020 at 12:46 |
Its been working the pl aces Ive been, except the pittsburgh zoo. Nobody enforced the mask rule and maybe 1/4 of the patrons had masks, place was fully packed. If that is any kind of indication of the level of concern around here.
![]() 07/24/2020 at 12:51 |
There is about to be a critical teacher shortage. And a huge substitute teacher shortage as well.
![]() 07/24/2020 at 12:51 |
Maybe invite less people? A bigger space? Just like everyone else is doing?
![]() 07/24/2020 at 12:54 |
A lot of people in her range are going to bail. I’m 39, 15 years in, and have a family to feed, so I’m pot committ ed here.
Good news though, my district is reopening it’s elementary schools full time/full size ... oh wait, that’s not good news, that’s stupid. Our middle and high schools (I teach middle school) will be hybrid, but in school for full days when its their day. How the hell are kids supposed to eat lunch even remotely safely?
![]() 07/24/2020 at 12:58 |
My district is opening back up. It’s OK though, the parents are going to self-certify that the kid isn’t sick.
![]() 07/24/2020 at 13:12 |
So much this. Setting ourselves up for disaster. But that seems to be a theme for 2020.
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The district my daughters attend is doing hybrid half days, five days a week, nobody eats at school. I feel much better about that plan.
![]() 07/24/2020 at 13:29 |
Weird, as according to the worst president ever, who is still embraced by those who are either deceptive, selfish, or delusional, the ‘rona isn’t a real problem
![]() 07/24/2020 at 13:59 |
Yeah, Hilary in hindsight seems like that person who has a great resume but didn’t do very well in the interview.
I keep hoping that the last few years will help teach a valuable lesson, mainly that actions matter and consequences will happen. That seems to be forgotten among the Trump faithful right now.
![]() 07/24/2020 at 14:03 |
I think she would have made an excellent president. I also was convinced from early on that she was probably not electable. My very progressive extended family all cried, oh but Donald Trump! And I said and?
![]() 07/24/2020 at 14:03 |
My thought is the push for schools to reopen is the reasoning in large for the immunity from covid lawsuits push from Moscow Mitch. Going to have a lot of dead teachers.
![]() 07/24/2020 at 16:36 |
Honestly that really concerns me.
![]() 07/24/2020 at 16:48 |
I am not sure how much credence I should lend to anything the CDC published, particularly since the POTUS thinks so little of them and has worked so hard at discrediting them. That aside, is the GOP predominately >65? Relatively few younger adul ts at a nom inating convention? I'd personally want nothing to do with such an event, whatever the political bent thereof.
![]() 07/26/2020 at 00:21 |
I’ll walk you through it, since you’re (hopefully) not a statistics teacher.
With an unemployment rate at 15%, and climbing, an additional 400,000 people will die of suicide, domestic abuse, family violence and related horrors. Their median age is under 45.
Even on the track we’re on, the US epidemic reaches it s end on the south side of 200,000 deaths, with the median age of 78. That’s on par with what a “bad flu season” does to the country. Bad, but not outlandish.
If you intentionally want to tank the economy, please be forthright about your objectives... because “saving lives” and “useful lives” clearly ISN’T your aim.
Masks are a great idea. Special protocols for anyone over 65 are a great idea. Intentionally destroying the US economy? That’s just a terrible idea.
I’ll be more worried about the “infection rate” you seem so worried about when you can reconcile with the recurrent research results showing the virus as ALREADY 12- 15X more prevalent than your models can account for.
![]() 07/26/2020 at 09:18 |
If the US epidemic reaches its end on the south side of 200,000 deaths, according what you’ve written here, then half of those deaths will be adults younger than, or equal to, 78 years of age. The upper two quartiles will necessarily be very narrow, because who lives much beyond 78 anyhow? Plenty of room left over, then, for the lower two quartiles to range down into adulthood and snap up healthy adults, and overlap, “not outlandishly,” your upper two q uartiles of people dying from horrors associated with unemployment.
I awaited your reply with some eagerness, but ultimately, I find it lacking. You season it with snarky ad hominem and throw in outrage bate mentioning “saving lives” and “useful lives.” They are the conservative- leaning correspondents in this space who lament that they cannot have a reasonable conversation here, and the tone of your reply would be one reason why. If you are interested in sharing ideas and information, great. Otherwise, please leave me alone.
![]() 07/26/2020 at 17:30 |
She teaches kindergarten so she will either take over a room of our house or spend a good bit of her time teaching virtually in her classroom. That part wouldn’t be bad as she has an exterior door but she would prefer to stay away from the school as much as possible. We have way more house than we need so she will have plenty of room to set up as well as flower and vegetable gardens that she plans to use for some lessons. Make a post once you have your set up completed though, I’m sure more than just me would be interested to see it.
![]() 07/26/2020 at 18:05 |
We have been assisting in ushering this, our first grandchild, into the world this week. We head home tomorrow and by the second part of the week, I will be working overtime on getting my studio set up. I go back to work, in a manner of speaking, on August 19th. I have heard about some teachers in my district teaching remotely from their classroom, and I think that sounds like a great plan if you don't have the space at home. For my part, I do, so that's where I'll be.
![]() 07/26/2020 at 18:25 |
Don’t battle with the selfish storytelling locust - he just reels in, baits, and then runs away like another 45-supporting coward. He’s another lucky generation member who couldn’t hack it if he had to start over as a young graduate today, claims to have done so much but offers up nothing to support it, and has fled to Arizona to dodge taxes. He lacks the stones to reply, and would no doubt change his tune if one of his kin was removed from the living via the C-19.
His 40K/1% number is a cliche from “The Big Short” based on data from a book published in 1982. He tries to lord over you with “statistics”, yet no actual statistician would hold that number to have any validity in today’s world.
He probably watches Sinclair stations, reads the National Review and Rebelnews, and uses terms like “plandemic”. This is what passes for an intellectual among the base. Sad.
![]() 07/26/2020 at 19:29 |
There is no battle; he surrendered in the first sentence and I paid him the dignity of accepting his sword and scabbard.
![]() 07/26/2020 at 20:58 |
This is a hell of a hill to die on, but more than a few of the so-called right are willing to take that path. It's going to be interesting how they try to screw with the next stimulus, too.